Join Us!
The Seventh Day Christian Assembly is composed of people who are seeking the face of God. We hope to edify believers and to assist those who are beginning their walk with God by using spiritual gifts given to us by Him.
Visit us for in-person weekly Sabbath Services and Holy Days at 11:00AM Eastern - see Directions link above
The streaming button below provides a link to weekly Sabbath Services and Holy Days at 11:15AM Eastern Time
We have in-person, streamed Bible Studies on Wednesdays at 6:30PM Eastern time
Streaming available on any web browser via link below. Roku, Apple TV or Fire TV - see details here
If you have issues with streaming, please email: pastor@sdca.org
Past Sermons
Recent Articles
Can heavenly “signs” really tell us anything about our own lives? What does God think about relying on the creation rather than the Creator?
Is life a puzzle we can never really figure out … or does God give us guidance and direction regarding our lives?