Who We Are
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
II Timothy 3:16-17
Our Mission
In Knoxville, a group of believers have been meeting each sabbath for several years under the name Seventh Day Christian Assembly (SDCA). We are just normal folks, engineers, nurses, salesmen, teachers, truck drivers, etc. We look pretty much like anyone else you might meet in the course of your work week, but there is a difference.
We are different because we observe the sabbaths as outlined in the Bible rather than the traditional "Lord's Day" and traditional holidays. But more importantly, we are a true church family, sharing freely in the joys and sorrows of one another.
Organizationally, the Seventh Day Christian Assembly is an independent and autonomous body of believers, not subject to any ecclesiastical control from any denomination, convention, conference, association, council, group, or individual outside the local church membership. We operate with volunteer spiritual stewards serving the congregation at the pleasure of the group. According to biblical example, we utilize elders and deacons to tend to the needs of the congregation.
The SDCA has as its core purpose for existence the promotion of the worship of the true God, and we strive to "perfect the saints" by edifying believers. We teach that all christians should observe and obey the commandments of God and the holy ordinances of the Bible. We endeavor to evangelize and disciple those whom the Father chooses to call into His Church.
We, as biblical christians, understand that we are part of the spiritual body of Christ. We know that God's church is a spiritual organism, not an earthly organism. As such, we do not claim to be the "one and only true church".
The members of the SDCA come from a variety of religious backgrounds, including many sabbath observing churches like the Seventh Day Adventist, Church of God Seventh Day, Worldwide Church of God, Congregation of God Seventh Day, and Church of God International. In addition, former members of Sunday observing denominations are represented in our group. Our members include former Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Church of Christ, and Church of God.
Why are we different?
What is it that causes individuals to leave the comparative comfort and social acceptability of those traditional religions and associate with a small group whose practices and beliefs make "mainstream christianity" uneasy (to the point of possibly labeling us a cult)? In short...the Bible!
We have each been led by God's Holy Spirit to understand His plan of salvation and what he expects of those whom He calls and elects. We take very seriously the instruction that the apostle Paul gave to Timothy to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15). As a result of this serious study, back in 1994 we put together a "Statement of Beliefs". In order to discourage blind acceptance of doctrine and to encourage individual study ("prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.."), we included proof scriptures for every doctrinal statement that we made.
During the course of each year , we will endeavor to cover the basic doctrines of biblical christianity in local sermons and Bible studies. For those unable to be with us in person, I highly recommend the "Statement of Beliefs" for personal study. It is available on the media center at our sabbath meeting place, we can mail you a copy, or see it on our web site.
We give freely to all.
We will be glad to send you any of our materials free of charge and without obligation of any kind. We have nothing to sell. Our church is not in existence for the purpose of financial profits. In fact, we are so anti-lucre, we don't even pass the plate or take up an offering on the weekly sabbath. Just call or write us to request a free copy of any of our literature.
Visitors are appreciated.
We invite the public to attend our services as a method of spreading the gospel. We advertise weekly in the church directory column of the religion page in the local Knoxville newspaper. We meet weekly at 11:00 am on sabbath.
You are WELCOME!
-Ken Swiger